Idol Chatter: May 15, 2005

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Who's Out - Week 10

Vonzell Solomon

While I got my top two, I'm sad to see you go!! "You've come a long way baby!!!" Your performances were always so infectious and I will miss them!! I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more of you!!

American Idol - Week 10

"We have ourselves a contest!" With all the judges in agreement on that statement and with the legendary Clive Davis gracing the show with his presense, we did indeed have ourselves a showdown!! With a rocker putting the band out of a job and a country girl singing 80s pop songs, I was enthralled!

The judges crowned a winner for the night and maybe they were right. But as I watched my 6 year olds reactions, I know who the real winner is. Funny, this little kid is all about rap and hip hop. He loves to turn on BET or MTV Raps and stand in our big picture window dancing. I would think that Baby V's soulfullness would get his attention...but she bored him. During Bo's bold performance minus the band, the hand-held vacuum was being played with. Then little Ms. Underwood sang a rendition of Air Supply's song and Paris was up and dancing. Couldn't take his eyes off of the TV. If he hadn't been sent to bed following the second set of songs, there would have been a fight over the phones to vote for our country girl.

And speaking of voting, why is there always a screw up when it comes to numbers? Everyone got two numbers and sure as everything there was Ryan giving out the wrong numbers for Vonzell. HUH? With all the problems, conspiracy theories, etc., this should absolutely NEVER be a problem. You guys need to get your shit together!!!

Did you vote? I did!! One friend was able to vote 17 times...good gawd...I got through only once. That's not to say I didn't try...I wanted to hear Bo thank me for it was, I settled for hearing Carrie's sweet little voice.

Now that I've rambled way too damn long...let's get to the good stuff...


I'll Never Love This Way Again (Clive Davis Choice)

Clive Davis picked this little ditty for her and I was disappointed! For once her stage presense wasn't there and that left me having to pay more attention to the vocals...which sucked, I think Randy said they were "rangy"...true that! Simon was right, "you got two more gotta do better..."

Chain of Fools (Performer Choice)

Ok, so the vocals were better and the performance was typical Vonzi, but the replay wasn't very exciting for me. I like Vonzell, but I think she may have outlived her usefulness. Thankfully she won't be going back to delivering mail...we'll hear more from this hot little girl from Florida!

Radio (Judges Choice)

I forwarded through this number. Not that she did a bad job, I just couldn't get into it. Sorry Baby V!


Don't Let The Sun Go Down (Clive Davis Choice)

WOW! I love to hear Elton John sing this song! I love to hear Bo Bice sing this song! Nothing more to say!! "The Dawg Pound for life!" Brilliant!

Within a Dream

BOLD! This was Bo's night! To come out and blow this one out of the water...with no accompanyment was amazing.


I believe Adam Sandler did the exact same rendition in The Wedding Singer. I wouldn't say that Bo did a worse job that Sandler, but as Simon was "fluff!"


Crying (Clive Davis Choice)

Ummmm...Mr. Davis, I have a question! Having watched Carrie, why in the name of good sense would you choose a Roy Orbison song? Carrie did brilliantly (like we knew she would), but frankly I started to have my doubts about you.

Making Love Out of Nothing at All (Personal Choice)

Wow!!! I would have never thought of little Carrie doing this number...but damn!!! She was barely done with the final note before I was on the phone comparing notes! Yeah baby!! I'm at a loss...still have chills...

Man! I Feel Like a Woman!

Shania Twain introduced us to this little number a while back. Shania's hot and can belt it out! Carrie is hot! And she can and did sing the hell out of this song!!! Man!! I started to feel like...ok, I'll just leave it at that!!

My top two, "if I'm being real", is Bo and Carrie. Someone said to me last night that they can see the final two being Bo and Vonzell and that would be ok. Their dream would be Bo and Carrie. Absolutely no way...Carrie and Vonzell. Hope you guys voted correctly and put Bo and Carrie into the finals!!!

Next week is it!!

I'm out...
