Of Twins, Paris & Cowboys...
You'll remember I'm sure that several weeks ago, I posted about the Brittnum twins and how they were favored to win by one 7 year old little boy who has become incredibly involved in American Idol this year (couldn't care less last year). You will also recall that last week, we missed the first night in Hollywood thanks to the Grammy Awards and a little TiVo staffu (we've since forgiven TiVo since it appears as though some form of human error may have attributed to that unfortunate event). In reading about it afterwards (Idol that is...not TiVo), I heard a lot about the Brittnum twins...namely that they were Grade A complainers and whiners. Well, it didn't take long into last night's show for me to realize just how awful these guys are (not their voices...their attitudes). I could care less whether they can sing because by now, they are nothing but annoying. And honestly, that was how I was feeling before the one dumb-ass decided to "resign" from the show because he apparently (and quite incorrectly) thought his brother had not been put through to the next round. And so...off one self-righteous, pompous moron strode...it was a pleasure to watch his face when his brother told him that (gasp) he had been put through. Then the little confab about apologies. Now...I was done with these guys, but you must remember, these were the winners for one little 7 year old. I glanced over to see his reaction and at just that moment (after spitting a piece of Valentine's Day candy on the floor and kicking me in the side), he yelled to Simon (I honestly thinks he thinks that Simon can hear him) to not let him come back...and to send them both home. Unfortunately for myself and Paris, they let them back through and even though they were sent off stage slightly subdued...I bet it won't last. I have to say that I finally felt like Idol started last night. Why? Because last night they closed the show by putting the contestants into four different rooms and then cut one WHOLE room. Ahhh...we are getting down to really manageable numbers now AND perhaps, just perhaps we will start to get an idea of who we will be rooting for. Last night Paris got a bit offended because they kept using his name on the show. After we informed him that one lucky contestant (whose musical roots include the Sounds of Blackness), shared his first name, I began to see a favorite emerge around our house. To a 7 year old, it might be all about the fact that they share a name...then again, his ears aren't tin...he can actually tell who is good and who isn't and this girl...well, she's got some power behind that cute little smile. Remember the name kids...Paris (the contestant...not the destination)!!! Oh, and it wouldn't be right to end this bit without acknowledging the brave actors (and crew) involved in the making of Brokenote Mountain...and by the way, those of you who didn't see that movie title coming should be slapped. Their cowboy love was heartbreaking to witness as the little one, in tears, gripped in the arms of a bigger man, said "I'd didn't mean ta let ya down man!" We felt his pain and to be honest, when we heard the response "ya did your best, that's all a cowboy can ask for", we wiped away a tear. We wish them well as they ride off into the sunset... j. |