Idol Chatter: May 20, 2007

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Oh What A Night!

It was indeed a night! As we started watching the coverage on the Red Carpet, one could actually feel the excitement start to build. As celebrity after celebrity began to arrive, chatting with our favorite Fox morning personalities (Hi Dorothy, Steve and Jill!), I knew it was going to be an incredible night! And I was not disappointed!

Performances by all of our previous American Idols (save one...we missed you Miss Fantasia!) coupled with the greatest of greats, Smokey Robinson, Gladys Knight, Be Be and Ce Ce Winans. WOW!! Getting to be witness to Blake mixing it up with Doug E Fresh was awesome! Watching and re-watching Jordin and Ruben Studdard literally took my breath away. I remembered why we fell in love with him during Season 3. The Velvet Teddy Bear!!
In the end, all the excitement really was about who the winner would be - Blake Lewis or Jordin Sparks.

We have watched these two amazing contestants grow over this past season! A season that has given us more nutty behavior than a jar full of planters. Some of that nutty behavior was on full display last night with Big Bird awarded something, Bush Baby awarded something else and Sanjaya Malakar (of all people) performing with one of the legends of rock 'n roll.

As I said, we've watched them grow and turn into stars in their own right. We voted! Heck, more than at any other time if Idol producers are to be believed. We voted 74 million times on Tuesday night. Just think what would happen if the producers of Idol were put in charge of the Presidential elections. We voted! And, at 7 minutes after 10p, West Coast time, the winner was announced.

Here is our new American Idol...

I'm proud of her! She's the youngest contestant yet to win! At 17, she's just a diva-in-training! She's gonna go far!

We here at Idol Chatter have enjoyed getting to spend this season with you our readers. Some of you have been with us since the beginning. Others are new this season! Thanks for making this your stopping off point for Idol updates! We trust that you have a great rest of the year! Until next season, here's a little of our new Idol, Jordin Sparks, singing I (Who Have Nothing). Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Pulling a Paula

Paula had quite the week didn't she? I first heard the rumor yesterday morning, but really didn't pay it much mind. There she was on the morning news yammering on about a tulip, a box and a nose. I ignored the mock seriousness of the interview knowing that with Paula it was all just more evidence of one too many sessions that typically include vodka, diet coke and more pills than you can shake a stick at. When it comes to Paula, we all seem to have the same reaction. You know the one don't you?! Appalled! Except that we can't stop watching...much like a train wreck happening in slow motion right before our eyes. God that woman is a mess!

Last night we welcomed some good friends over for a homecooked meal, cheap wine and loads of commentary. Of course, as much as we wanted to discuss Jordin and Blake, the first topic at hand was Paula's nose. Broken? Tripped over her overweight tiny little dog named Tulip? While holding a box of "stuff?" None of us were surprised. What was a surprise was the outfit she had chosen to wear. I happened to be in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on some garlic mashed potatoes when I heard "OMG, what is she wearing?" Then another voice yelled out, "Get in here quick!" "She looks like a bad drag queen!" Between the outfit and the make-up to cover up the bruising around her "broken nose" she did indeed look like she spent a little too much time with one of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

Not that she was the only judge who used questionable advice on their wardrobe. Randy Jackson, not a strong fashion plate on his best of days, had decided to rummage through Michael Jackson's reject closet. All he lacked was a sequined glove. What a mess!! Simon looked positively subdued compared to the other two. Which brings me to the real reason behind the title of this post...Pulling a Paula. As Ryan polled the judges to get their thoughts on who performed better and who was in line to see their dream of becoming America's Next Top Model - opps, I mean America's next Idol, I heard (trust wasn't the cheap wine, I didn't drink that much of it) Simon pull a Paula! He couldn't decide so, he gave Blake the best performance of the night and Jordin the best vocals of the night. I decided then and there that Simon has spent too long in that chair next to's rubbing off!!!

I could continue to bloviate about the judge's usage of mind altering substances and questionable fashion decisions, but really, the night was about two people...Blake Lewis and Jordin Sparks. As I mentioned, the crib was full last night with good friends dissecting every minute detail of the performances. The little one of the group, all of 8 is he, was yelling and clapping for Blake. Lord knows, I wanted to join him. But the general consensus of the night was that Jordin just out-performed him. This morning though I started to wonder if perhaps the cheap wine that flowed so freely, might have influenced our judgement. Until I remembered that the cheap wine that flowed, really didn't flow that freely at all. More like a dribble and so, perhaps she really did out-perform him. As I sit here, faithfully doing my part to perpetuate this bloated monster that is Idol, I am beginning to think that perhaps Paula has rubbed off on me as well.

But enough about poor, unfortunate Paula! Let's talk about how the kids did! The each performed three numbers - The first song being their favorite performance from the season - The second song a new one - The third song which they both performed was the songwriting winner. I will say that the winner's first single (or song number 3), wasn't as bad as some of the past songs...but again showed that for all the hype this show has managed to generate, they still can't pull off a song that is actually decent for the finale!

Round 1

Blake (Winner - by a hair)
You Give Love A Bad Name

Blake decided to be the gentleman (see, chivalry is not dead) and allowed Jordin to decide whether she wanted to perform first or last. She made the obvious choice perhaps clinching Blake's fate. Not that Blake was fact, most of the pundits I've read seem to be in agreement that Blake had the edge. Just a little dumb! There's a time to be chilvalrous and a time to remember that you are in a competition! Once again Blake shone on this performance.


Jordin was remarkable on this performance, but I still had the same complaint on this performance that I've had in recent weeks. There is an "umph" missing during her performances that shows up in Blakes. The oh-so-pregnant DJ Nik pointed out that Jordin is in fact 17 years old. And that sounded like a reasonable explaination for her rather lackluster performances until I remembered one other 17 year old on the show. Sure, Sanjaya couldn't find a note inside a paper bag, but he sure new how to tear up the stage. And yes, as it was mentioned over and over last night, Idol is a singing competition, at the same time, you need to own the stage and well, amazing vocals and all, she just didn't!

Round 2


She Will Be Loved

My one real complaint about Blake is that sometimes he choses songs that are boring. Not always! But during crunch time, when you need a big, over-the-top performance, he has chosen rather tepid songs. This is one of them. Last week, you'll recall, Blake did a Maroon 5 number and blew us all away. Too bad he didn't save that number for this week!

Jordin (Winner but not by much)
A Broken Wing

Another impressive vocal that lacked a certain pizzaz! I don't know that it was better than Martina McBride, as Randy suggested, but it was good! Heck, the one country music fan in our little group last evening, was quite impressed with Jordin, and joined the resident hoodlum in the house calling it Jordin's night and, a little hastily I thought, giving her the win. Still, I did giver her this round...but only just barely.

Round 3

This Is My Now

There are no words to write about just how poorly this particular song suited Blake. Or how poorly he performed it. Simon said that he looked frustrated during parts of the performance. Perhaps the problem was that, as one prominent pundit wrote, this "typical Idol-winner ballad" had "more saccharine than a case of diet soda, was as far from Blake's comfort zone as possible." But that shouldn't be an excuse! Blake, as talented as he is with mixing things up, should have been able to do something with this clunker of a song. He didn't! And it may just cost him the entire competition!

Jordin (Moppin' the floor winner!!)
This Is My Now

Simon was right, Jordin mopped the floor with Blake on this performance! And interesting, it evoked a rarely seen apology from Simon! I sat in near total shock as he told her that the week before he didn't think she deserved to be in the finale, but that with this performance she had changed his mind! As this was the last song of the night, then I almost have to give the whole enchillada to Jordin! Turns out she realized that this is in fact her now and she took advantage of it to the full extent!

So how did it shake out for you? Were you like the majority at my pad that gave the night to Jordin, or did you prefer (This Is My Now performance not withstanding) Blake? I'm torn! I love Blake!! Absolutely! And, if his two main bastions of support held up during the voting, then I'm giving the win to him! heard me!! Teeny-bopper girls and gay bois love them some Blake! Teeny-bopper boys love them some Jordin! Guess who votes?! Teeny-bopper girls and gay bois! That may be just enough to give ole Blake the win! Plus, I kind of think he has the whole package...he can sing, he can perform and he's got style. Ok, it should be noted that my fashion consultant and I do not see eye to eye on his fashion sensibilities. In fact, she was downright revolted at his outfits last night. Guess there won't be any sparkly argyle sweaters in my wardrobe after the next round of shopping! Oh well!

See you on the red carpet!
