"Do-Gooderism" on full display!

Finally, American Idol has decided to "give back" a little bit of the fortune they have received (and let's get real, this show has been a cash cow) to those a little less fortunate. In true Idol form of course, it all seems a little bit staged, more designed to bring in ratings than to really help those in need. Then again, perhaps I'm just a bit jaded from watching this show for the past however many seasons it's been on the air. However, as much as I would like to act like it's some kind of gimmick, the truth is, I do really applaud Idol for raising awareness of poverty issues in Africa and in the wealthiest of countries...America.
This really is a topic that is near and dear to my heart, and so to see one of my favorite shows actually doing something with the incredible wealth they've received besides driving around in the latest, most expensive car around (which is all well and good), then it does my heart good. Plus, it was kind of nice to see the "mean" judge reduced to near tears. Come on...ya had to love that one.
Last night was the first of a two-parter that really has me wondering if we even should see anyone go home this week. I almost feel like this week all the contestants should be given a pass. And yes, simply because they participated in a bit of do-gooderism. The theme for the night appeared to be inspirational and I've got to tell you, it was really nice not to have interferance from "guest" celebs who understand that they can/will boost their own sales by appearing on the show. Ugh! So over that!
Part of the reason I kind of feel like we should give them all a pass is because the judges didn't seem much in the mood to judge. Even Simon, out of his traditional black/gray tight tee's, sporting white with enough chest hair to make my Neanderthal cousin look "smooth", was overly nice to everyone. I did love the fact that Ryan, when introducing the judges at the opening of the show, completely skipped over Paula. We get a close-up of Randy as Ryan calls out his name; close-up of Paula...no name; close-up of Simon with name. HA! Perhaps that explains why Paula was flustered for the rest of the night and couldn't actually ever come to a point. Although, that wouldn't explain her behavior at all the other shows...so...hmmmm...
Anyway...there was in fact some "sangin" that went on and perhaps we should talk about it...
Chris Richardson
Change the World
One of my favorite Eric Clapton songs and Chris did it proud! I will say, as much as the judges liked, er loved, Chris' performance, it was a little bit...hmmmm...understated. I would have liked for him to give it a little more umph, but it ended up being a fine performance. In fact, I voted for Chris. Now, usually I don't give out such personal information...but since we were in do-gooder mode last night and I was a little bit worried for Chris, I voted...30 times...what, I think that will come out to about a $3 donation, which according to the little film sponsored by ConAgra, should feed the heck out of a bunch of hungry kids! And I feel better...kind of like I made a change in my world.
Melinda Doolittle
There Will Come a Day
It seems pointless to week after week come out and talk about what an amazing job Melinda did. I've nearly decided to start copying previous comments. I mean, hell, she's great, amazing, stupendous, beautiful...blew this Faith Hill song out tha water!!! And did it better than Faith Hill!! Woo Woo!!
Blake Lewis
Blake performed one of my all time favorite songs and did it perfectly! Paula was right...this song cries out for simplicity. No need to add a bunch of gimmicks, just an emotional plea to "imagine" what the world would look like...if Blake was the next American Idol!
LaKisha Jones
I Believe
Well, here's the problem...Fantasia blew this song out. Remember her breakin' her heal performin' it at the Kodak? I do!!! I still get goosebumps thinkin' about it. Gawd I love me some Fantasia!! And I love Kiki too. And Kiki did all right with this song. BUT, like Randy, this just wasn't her best performance. Hmmmm...help me out Kiki!
Phil Stacey
The Change
I'm not particularly sure that this creepy lookin' guy did himself any favors by singing a Garth Brooks' song that's several years out of date. Garth, we all know, was an amazing performer. Phil...not so much! Not that this was a bad week. In fact, I found myself enjoying the performance...in spite of myself. And good news, it looks as though the real change is on top of his head! Did you notice...it appeared like his head was sportin' a 5 o'clock shadow!
Jordin Sparks
You'll Never Walk Alone
Ummm...yeah! What a way to close the show! I don't know about the best vocal performance "ever", as Randy so generously threw out there...but DANG!!!! First, lets start with the fact that she looked like a million bucks!!! WOWZER!! And then, the control in singing that ancient song and doing it in such a way that it sounded fresh and poppin. Man, Jordin turned Idol into a competition last night!!! ya heerd!
Tonight we'll have two hours of feel-good, do-good, entertainment. We'll get to see a lot of big name celebs...including, I've been told Bono. While we are enjoying all the great music...try to remember that there really are people not that far from where you are at that are lacking some of the basic necessities that we take for granted. Get involved and give back! It won't cost you much!