Idol Chatter: May 13, 2007

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Too Close To Call!

Finally Idol got good!!! And for once, we finished the semi-finals without a clear least in my opinion. Like true competitors, Jordin, Blake and Melinda stepped up their game. Maybe their trips home gave them perspective they haven't had...maybe they finally felt like stars. Whatever the reason, last nights show was the best of the season! We have had some rather lopsided semi-finals in the past. Ones where you knew very easily who would be going least based off of their performances. But last night...last night was different.

Last night we were treated to three song choices by the three remaining contestants. It was truly a night of...threes (yes, I know that was lame...much like Ryan's incessant banter throughout the show). I do honestly believe, though denials were given, that Ryan and the judges had a few cocktails prior to the show. How else to you explain that idiotic banter between Ryan and Randy or the giggling like little school girls going on between Paula and Simon. I are we suppose to take the show seriously if you guys are too busy hootin-and-a-hollerin to show the proper respect. Hmmm...or, perhaps I'm taking it all too seriously myself.

So, who will end up in the Grand Finale at the Kodak? Well, I did a bit of sleuthing ala Nancy Drew and guess what I found out? Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Those who analyze the show for a living (or kicks...not sure which it is) refuse to declare a winner (err...loser). A quick check over at, (great resource by the way in determining who may/may not be in jeopardy) was discouraging for those who truly want to know (like me). I mean seriously, who'd have thunk that Melinda didn't do as well on the West Coast as on the East Coast or that Blake lost his home state of Washington to Melinda. Or that only 6/10 of a percent separated Blake and Jordin. DialIdol did remind me of something though...they reminded me that during the semi's last year, the finalists (Taylor, Katherine, Elliot) each received 33% of the vote. If last night proves the same, then we could be looking at a night when Melinda goes home just as easily as say Jordin. Gosh...can you feel the tension? Neither can I...but heck, I'm not gonna let that stop me from gushing about it like I can.

So...who sang what and how did they do? Well, you already know I think they all did great! But who did I really like? Check it out...(thanks Randy Johnson!)

Jordin Sparks
Judge's Choice - Wishing on a Star
Producers' Choice - She Works Hard for the Money
Personal Choice - I Who Have Nothing

Jordin opened the show with the Rose Royce song chosen by Simon. Ok, here's the deal...her vocals were amazing! But she lost me when she said she'd never heard the song before. Heck, the 8 year old in my house, who knows every rapper and their crews, knows this song (old school he calls it). She lost points on this one from me!

Next came Donna Summer's classic and Jordin worked it out!! I know this will sound nitpicky, but, given the energy of this song, I would have liked a little more stage presence from her. This is disco baby and given her age, I guess a little strut n' dance would have really spiced it up for me. Great vocals though! Still, round two I'll have to give to someone else.

Like Melinda, Jordin chose to do a retread...a rehashing of one of her better performances during this past season. I ain't mad at her because it was goose-pimple amazing, just like the first time she performed it. But, once again, I'd like to see her be 17. As much as I'd like to give her round three, I can't. Which means that Jordin, in my book, did not take any of the rounds. Is that a bad thing?

Blake Lewis
Judge's Choice - Roxanne
Producers' Choice - This Love
Personal Choice - When I Get You Alone

It is no wonder that Paula was tapped to pick the Judge's Choice for Blake. Every week we see her getting wet the minute Blake takes the stage. And I ain't mad at her! With the exception of one week where he was really off, Blake has provided a breath of cutting edge freshness that has set him apart from the other contestants. I was really glad to see him perform this number "straight" with no beatboxing in sight. As I've mentioned before, he's got a great sense of style (love all three of his outfits) and knows how to work a stage and the crowd. However, although I thought he was amazing, I couldn't give this round to Blake...sorry man!

Woo Woo!! "This love has taken it's toll on me!" First, I absolutely love this song! Always have! For a while, it was even a ring tone on my phone. Secondly, Blake blew this one out of the park! The Idol Producers knew what they were doing by chosing this song for Blake! Struttin' and dancin' across the stage only served to accent his amazing voice on this amazing song. The little beatboxing rift at the end was a perfect compliment to the song. And of course, watching the mic fall off the boom right at the very end was just funny! I give this round to Blake!

Unlike our two female contestants, Blake chose not to do a number he had previously performed during the season! Which means that he, unlike Jordin and Melinda, had to learn three numbers this week. And this one was stellar! Robin Thicke should be proud as heck that Black chose this song. If it was up to me, I would give this round to Blake as well, if for no other reason that he was truly the only original performer for this round. And just to round out my thoughts on Blake...when he does come out with his CD, I WILL absolutely be adding it to my collection. Before even Melinda and Jordin!

Melinda Doolittle
Judge's Choice - I Believe in You and Me
Producers' Choice - Nutbush City Limits
Personal Choice - I'm a Woman!

Randy was absolutely correct to chose this Whitney Houston song for Melinda! While Melinda doesn't have the vocal prowess to hit some of those Whitney high notes, she gave a performance that would have, and should have, made Miss Whitney quake a little in her bankrupt boots! I'll tell ya flat out, I was a full fledged believer when she got done! Hands down, this performance put Melinda over the top for this round!

Several years ago, Tina Turner went on her very last arena tour. I was lucky enough to get tickets to see her in Oakland. Excellent seats by the way! There is absolutely NO one like Tina Turner! No one! She's in a class all by herself! Melinda too is an amazing singer and with good stage presence. But, having seen Tina perform this number live, it was hard for me to give Melinda her proper due. Not that she wasn't spot-on...she was...but she wasn't Tina and it was hard not to make the comparison.

Melinda has performed this number before! But last night she brought out a little symbolism that was superb! She let it be known, without a doubt, that she's a star! No longer part of the supporting cast, she's the queen bee! And dang!!! She's all woman! And by the way, those hair extensions were luscious!!! Round three, for symbolism played to the hilt, goes to Melinda!

As you can see, I've got Melinda taking two rounds and Blake taking one. Seems to me that Melinda is pretty safely in the finals and that the real fight is between Jordin and Blake. Of course, we all know that...sights designed to track these things tell us that. Who's going home? I'm still hoping to see Melinda and Blake in the finals...but I won't be mad at any other combination.

Peace out!
