It's been a tough week for American Idol! First we found out that Bo "knows" a bit more about the rocker lifestyle than we wanted to think (who he's the first rocker to be busted for coke and weed), then we found out that our illustrious judge Paula may have had carnal knowledge of a contestant from a past season...and maybe more (we'll find out tonight on ABC). Whew, I was beginning to wonder if maybe we should just cancel the performances since everyone was obviously going to be distracted by all the goings on.
Our wonderful American Idol producers though decided to help us forget all that crap by giving us what we've always really wanted...MORE MUSIC. YAY!! I like it when they actually do what we are there for...namely sing.
This week showed that Hollywood really can bring out a person's ego! I have a weird feeling that the worst singer will not go home. My hunch, crazy as it may seem, is that we are going to see the end of Scotty the Body as Ryan is so found of calling him. He definitely stepped up his game this week...but what was up with that arrogance that, for the first time, was not exceeded by his weight.
Ok...enough of my rambling...bring on the music...
Anthony Federov -
Poison Ivy & Incomplete
Well, poor Anthony, after a couple of good weeks, he lost a little steam. Maybe it was putting the glasses back on or maybe he's just outlived his usefulness to the competition. To be honest, I would have rather sat in a big old patch of poison ivy than through either of these songs. Why, oh why couldn't either of them have been incomplete?? Having said that, I have a feeling he will slip by this week. Oh don't look so shocked...while Scott sang better, his head got bigger than his body and that ain't good!!!
Scott Savol-
On Broadway & Everytime You Go AwayAnd speaking of Scotty the Body...I was giving him mad props after that little first number he did, even with that little dig about Simon...then Ryan asked him what he would be thinking about tomorrow and with a grin, he said: "I'm probably going to start thinking about what I'll sing next week." And with that, his ego only got worse! If you aren't the best singer, it does you NO good to act like you've got it in the bag! He got absolutely zero votes from my house...and that was a first!!!
Vonzell Solomon -
Treat Me Nice & When You Tell Me That You Love Me
I would like to start with the positive! For the first time in a long time, little miss Vonzell was not very pitchy. In fact, I thought both her performances were really good. Funny because I usually agree with Simon when it comes to her. I did think it was really odd that she sang the song that the American Idol contestants recently released as a group project. In fact, I'm afraid it took away from the performance somewhat. I don't know...I like her...she's definitely a star...maybe just not THE star.
Bo Bice -
Stand By Me & Heaven
WOW! I've been pretty certain up to now that Carrie would be the winner. And that doesn't or hasn't detracted from Bo's amazing ability to connect with the audience. But last night, I actually decided that Bo might win this thing. His performance of Stand By Me produced goosebumps on everyone in my house. Simon was right when he said that Bo's performances made some of the other contestants "look like amateurs!"
Carrie Underwood -
Trouble & Bless The Broken Road
So there was Carrie singing "I'm evil, evil as evil as can be!" and I thought, good Lord, if that's evil then sign me up!!! Ok, so Simon thought her performances a bit robotic, and well, I might tend to agree a bit, but good god who cares!!! She's HOT and she can sing!! Paula for once was right when she said that Carrie was a "star!" This little Oklahoma girl might just turn me into a country fan!!!
Tonight I'm more excited too see how much trouble Paula's gotten herself into. I know I'm a little hard on her, but I really do like her and for the contestants it must be nice to feel like you've got someone on your side...especially after all the crap that Simon tends to throw around. Anyway, I wish her luck...she'll probably need it after we all hear the little voice mail she so foolishly left on what's his name's machine.
Don't forget you vote right dammit!!!
I'm out!!