Now we're cookin'!
I watched Idol Thursday after the minor brain surgery that it took to get it onto my screen. I wanted to burn it and send it to Jon, but my tower fought me tooth and nail, so no dice. The reason I wanted to send it was because it was by far and away the most entertaining episode thus far this season....finally, these schmucks are being judged by their singing, getting rounds of applause or crickets and the list was whittled down to 99 remaining contestants. Again, they didn't show everybody's performance, and they absolutely refuse to let the guy with the cowboy hat take the motherfucker off. He didn't do so well (IMHO) but they let him through anyway. The bald guy with the girlfriend and her kids is going top twelve. I knew his name when I started this email, but it's escaped me. Holmes can blow, fo sho, fo sho.
I'm in Tahoe, so A.I. is (supposedly) going to be Tivo'd. I've had hit-or-miss luck with my Homebrew PVR, so we'll see what's waiting for me on my hard drive upon my return. Tomorrow's show is the now-infamous "Group Competition" and thanks to the preview last week, I already know that some of my predictions will come to fruition.
Somebody's going to bow out, and probably because they suck and know it, but they'll say it's because of the tremendous "pressure". No shit? You's a fucking competion? Super duh.
Champale wishes and fish stick dreams,
I'm in Tahoe, so A.I. is (supposedly) going to be Tivo'd. I've had hit-or-miss luck with my Homebrew PVR, so we'll see what's waiting for me on my hard drive upon my return. Tomorrow's show is the now-infamous "Group Competition" and thanks to the preview last week, I already know that some of my predictions will come to fruition.
Somebody's going to bow out, and probably because they suck and know it, but they'll say it's because of the tremendous "pressure". No shit? You's a fucking competion? Super duh.
Champale wishes and fish stick dreams,
P.S. I started this on Thursday and finished it today (Monday) so there are some time discrepanies...sorry for the confusion.