Idol Chatter: January 29, 2006

Thursday, February 02, 2006 not adjust your set

Due to technical difficulties, I was not able to watch either episode of A.I. this week. And you know what? I'm not that stressed out about it. Seeing raw talent coupled with society's backwash makes for good television, true...but for how long? Weeks of City tours start to wane on you after a while. As Homer Simpson would say: "Boring!"

The City tour should only last one week, consisting of 3 episodes (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday).

The Hollywood segment should last only one week, same as above.

America should start voting the following week and every week thereafter until there's a winner, downshifting to two episodes per week, one on Tuesday and the results show on Wednesday.

Same number of total episodes (so Fox doesn't lose any ad revenue), but I need to have some say so to prevent me from watching ANYTHING ELSE or worse yet: NOTHING. I have a feeling that there are quite a few viewers that feel me.

The results show should be tweaked to always end in a tie with the two bottommost vote-getters in a "Sing-Off". America votes again (two days of voting, not just one, adding to Cingular's revenue stream, and more importantly, ending the mindless time-filling prattle that spews from Ryan Seacrest. Nobody finds out who stays and who goes home until the following week's Tuesday episode, adding suspense and the viewer's sucked right back in the new line-up.

Of course, that's just the opinion of a Snoutch and should be regarded as such.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

When Pigs Fly

No, I didn't actually see pigs fly, but I know they must have. Why? Last night Paula became the reincarnation of Honest Abe Lincoln when she broke down and admitted that she was in fact "lying"! I was shocked! What? Did they change her meds? Did they give her too much Vodka to go with the Vicodin? What was the deal? Suddenly every comment she's ever made is totally thrown into question. Ok...I lie! We've always known that Paula just couldn't tell people what she really thought about their performances (are you listening Corey Clark?). Apparently Vegas brought out Paula's honest side...either that or some TV evangelist (a group of people not exactly known for their personal honesty) has convinced her to live "right" and honest before God and the many people watching. Who knows...whatever the deal Paula was shootin' straight last least for a little while.

Turns out that was the most exciting part of the night. I really could have slept through the whole thing quite honestly. Paris yelled at Simon a couple of times for being mean (namely when the two Asian girls did NOT get through to Hollywood...and thank God because they sucked...even if they did look like the girls off of one of his favorite cartoons), otherwise it was a yawner. Vegas only put through 11 people and I don't think we saw any of them.

Seriously much longer do we have to put up with this drivel? If we have too many more nights like last, I may become a former Idol watcher. Paris called the performers last night "sucky"! I call the whole darn thing...SUCKY!

I'm bored!
