Introducing ~foxy coxy~
...a weekly review of American Idol...
Editor's note - I'm writing this from Muddy's-typical S.F. Coffee shop. I figured I'd come here to get some visceral interaction instead of waiting for my phone to ring. As I sat here, coffeed and bageled, 2 uber-Moms strolled in with Marin ball caps and attitudes. In their charge, a one, a two and a three year old. All vying for each Mom's attention from the moment they walked in the door to the split second that I write this. One Mom went to get the coffee while the other PARKED HER STROLLERS AND OSHGOSHBGOSHES in the nearly empty, fairly small shop. Of course, she chose the table NEXT TO ME. No dirty look could dissuade, no harrumph, no cluck of the tongue to grab her attention that perhaps she should go to a more empty part of the house, like oh, I don't know, in the opposite corner from MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, perhaps? Now thank GOD for iTunes, headphones, and a scenic view of Valencia. Let's hear it for the blues channel (strangely appropriate). Now on with the show:
The good -
The Bad -
"You know how you could've performed that better don't you? With a modicum of talent." "Perhaps you should use other orafices for that performance, say with your armpit or simply blow it out of your arse?" The Ugly -
Until next week, this is Professor Snoutch signing off...Hockenoga! |
On Tuesday night the 7 year old in my house crowned the Brittenum twins (Terrell and Derrell), aged 28, the winners. Frankly I thought they were pretty good myself. Apparently they aren't that good. According to published reports the twins are in a bit of a legal mess that may preclude them from accepting the invite to Hollywood.
According to reports, the twins used someone else's identity to buy (I use that word so lightly) a 2005 Dodge Magnum. Unfortunately using someone else's identity is a crime and as such, one twin currently sits in jail (since January 10th) and the other is expected to turn himself in.
Idol, following a long tradition of staying mum until absolutely the last minute, has no comment. Honestly, this little bit of info has already gotten my juices flowing. How scandal-ridden will this season be? It's way to early in the season for this to be the main scandal (you know, the goods ones truly don't break until the final 12...ala Frenchie, Bo Bice, et al). We promise to keep you updated!!
It is my great pleasure to introduce the Professor as a regular contributor to Idol Chatter. Having spent the past four seasons watching American Idol with this most esteemed observer of the tiniest of details, I have gained understanding and new insight into this show that has captured the fantasy of America. On many a night, as the Professor has regaled us with his observations over an adult beverage (or 7), I have found myself having to pick up the dry cleaning tab for those sitting around me (vodka through the nose ain't that pretty ya'll). Idol Chatter started several years ago as a weekly e-mail to a few friends of my observations of the nightly show American Idol. As more and more people indicated their interest, the operation grew and eventually garnered it's own blogsite. This year, in an effort to take Idol Chatter to a new level, several of us got together to form our own "judging panel". I jumped at the idea when Professor mentioned this to me because frankly, if he doesn't have you peeing your pants after reading his highlights...then your pee'er is broken! Please join me in giving a warm welcome to Professor Snoutch...all the way from San Francisco! Here's to Season Five...the most amazing season yet! j. |
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