Idol Chatter: Introducing the Professor!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Introducing the Professor!

It is my great pleasure to introduce the Professor as a regular contributor to Idol Chatter. Having spent the past four seasons watching American Idol with this most esteemed observer of the tiniest of details, I have gained understanding and new insight into this show that has captured the fantasy of America. On many a night, as the Professor has regaled us with his observations over an adult beverage (or 7), I have found myself having to pick up the dry cleaning tab for those sitting around me (vodka through the nose ain't that pretty ya'll).

Idol Chatter started several years ago as a weekly e-mail to a few friends of my observations of the nightly show American Idol. As more and more people indicated their interest, the operation grew and eventually garnered it's own blogsite. This year, in an effort to take Idol Chatter to a new level, several of us got together to form our own "judging panel". I jumped at the idea when Professor mentioned this to me because frankly, if he doesn't have you peeing your pants after reading his highlights...then your pee'er is broken!

Please join me in giving a warm welcome to Professor Snoutch...all the way from San Francisco! Here's to Season Five...the most amazing season yet!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Introducing the foxy cocks ~~ ahhhhh, ummmm..i mean foxy coxy. Hey handsome, give this chicka a moment or so to figure out how this thang works... and I'll give her my best honey... as that loser tried to sing tonight..."I just want to be sedated!!!"

OMG, put The Idol on Idle~~ in idle... or even in friggin' reverse!! William Hung where are you? Jon, I'll check out your lovely invitation to join your blog's elite group, and give it a go tomorrow. Now let's all go to bed.... love...~f.c.~

7:30 AM  

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