Idol Chatter: Introducing ~foxy coxy~

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Introducing ~foxy coxy~

It is with a great deal of pleasure that we announce the addition of ~foxy coxy~ as the newest contributor to Idol Chatter. ~foxy coxy~ has been a faithful viewer of American Idol since the show first debuted. Much like Paula Abdul, ~foxy coxy~ has been enjoying her vodka/DCs while listening to some really, um, interesting musical interpretations given by some talented and host of untalented "artists."

~foxy coxy~ has become so enamoured with several of the previous contestants that she has voted over 100 times in one evening (ahhh the advantages of not having to share a phone with a 7 year old). I've often had the pleasure of speaking with a decidedly inebriated ~foxy coxy~ giving me her opinion on song selection, hair styles, butt tightness and a host of other hilarious categories...then telling me who to vote for and how often.

For the, it is extremely exciting to welcome ~foxy coxy~ along with the Professor (Snoutch that is) to Idol Chatter! Look forward to their witty, urbane and completely over-the-top assessments of each week's festivities!



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