Lesson 7 - Sex Appeal Eventually Loses Its Appeal

Ace Young The gods be praised...we finally got rid of this most annoying of singers. We should have lost this guy a while ago, but America's obsession with anything that has dimples and bedroom eyes has clearly been in play. No question that Ace is a good looking guy and knows how to play to the camera. In fact, I see a great career for him in front of the camera. He's a natural born Soap actor. But his musical prowess just isn't there. And, even though we as American's love the ones that makes us quiver or swoon, if they can't back all the sex appeal up with real talent we get bored with them. Ace is only the latest in a long, long line of pretty faces lacking even a modicum of talent. On another note...did anyone hear his little burble regarding going on tour with the top ten and meeting his fans? What the hell was that all about? I wonder if he lives up to the stereotype of pretty people in Hollywood (not so bright)? Well...I'm sure we'll have enough time to figure that out as I have a feeling he'll extend his 15 minutes of fame far beyond the reaches of his talent. And maybe, just maybe, that makes him just a little smarter than I want to give him credit for. Thankfully..."That's All" from the guy whose looks far exeeded his talent! Au revoir (it was that hair that made me say it)!! j. |
and thank goodness Ace has left the building!
looks like little miss paris is next. AOL's poll results show her as the least favorite with only 4% of the vote in a recent on-line poll.
that would be a shame to loose this little cutie.
anyhoo ~ i'm still around dahlinks...
going for a cold one ~
~foxy coxy~
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