Lesson 3: Cute Don't Cut It!

Kevin Covais aka Squishy aka Chicken Little Last night, as a family, we sat down and re-watched Tuesday night's performances. We were unanimous in our final three. We were also unanimous that Chicken Little had one of his better performances. Sure, like Lisa, you rather felt like you were sitting through the High School Musical (pick one, any one), but it's hard not to like this kid. When the bottom three was announced at 9p (for those of us on the West Coast), we compared against our bottom three and wonder of wonders, they were identical. To be honest, we thought it would be Lisa that would go home (I mean come on...did you see what she was wearing?), but we weren't really shocked to see little Kevin being sent packing. A little sad...but not shocked. Cute can only go so far!! Chicken Little, you made your dad proud...heck, you made us all proud! We salute you! j. |
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