Lesson 9 - Typical Teen A Disadvantage

Last night was a very difficult one in my house. The neighbor came over for medicinal reasons, stayed for pizza (it was delivery not DiGiornio) and apparently got too relaxed and didn't want to leave thereby interfering with my normal evening of TV watching. And when I say normal, I mean having a good cry when one of my favorite contestants is voted off the show. It really was a sad event made worse by a likeable neighbor who was stuck to my sofa. I'll be honest, I did retreat to my bedroom for little cursing (damn American Idol voters) and then, with that out of the way, I began my struggle to figure out why this cute little girl with a future that is limitless would be sent packing while others (i.e. the wedding singer) are still around. Then sometime in the wee hours of the morning, it hit me...indigestion that is. And so there I sat, on the throne, at 2am playing solitaire on my handy little electronic game thingy-ma-jigger when I suddenly gave birth...to a thought. You see, Paris is a typical 17 year old. She's still figuring out life. Heck, until recently, she didn't even want to be a performer, but somewhere along the line her heritage and talent proved too strong and so she showed up to audition and she's consistently blown us away. The problem though is that as a teenager, who is the most teenager of any ever on the show, she is/was still searching for her niche. Her song selection - her clothing selection (heck, she could have lost for that hideous outfit she wore for her second number the other night) - her wigs - all changed with great frequency, leaving we the voters with the feeling that we never really got to know her. Thankfully, the thing that has never changed about her is that amazing voice - both of them in fact - one that sounds like Minnie Mouse and the other who sounds a young Aretha. This talented little girl will go far I predict! Just you wait! Good luck Princess P - the Paris in my house blew you a kiss last night. He's sad! j. |
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