Lesson 10 - S*%# Happens!

Chris Daughtry Seriously y'all, I was absolutely speechless last night. The voters lasted night pulled off one of the biggest shockers, actually the biggest shocker, we've seen in the history of American Idol. And yes, let's be honest, this was MUCH bigger than loosing LaToya London. This would have been like loosing Carrie Underwood last season right before the semi-finals. I, like most of the world, was working off the assumption that Chris was the one to beat. So, I was a little surprised when Ryan put the quarter-finalists in two sets, the highest number of vote getters and the lowest number of vote getters. I was quickly on the phone with our very own correspondent, ~foxy coxy~, as we tried to figure it out. Then bill paying time over, Ryan informs us that Taylor and Elliott are safe (Go Elliott!!). But wait, that leaves Chris and Katharine. Well, we all knew who was going home of that pair. Their faces told the tale...we all knew... Except that we didn't know at all. My jaw dropped to the floor as I grabbed my phone...only I couldn't talk. All I could do was breath heavily into the phone (she wasn't turned on I can guarantee you) and then watch the utter shock on Chris's face and Katharine's face and...hell, even Simon's face. This was HUGE! What happened? Is there a lesson to be learned? For the life of me I can't figure one out. Perhaps his fans got complacent and figured he was a shoo-in. Maybe they punished him for putting his underwear business out on display during a family show. I know I'm rambling...but I'm rather shocked. The entire complection of the contest changed last night. Chris...we are sorry to see you go...boxer briefs and all. I know I say it to all the departing contestants, but we'll see you again fronting a band I'm sure. This is your moment to shine...get over the shock and disappointment of not winning and start busting your butt. |
j. |
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