Our NEW American Idol

As I watched the stars arrive on the red carpet, I have to admit that I wasn't expecting the kind of show that the producers of American Idol pulled off. Kicking off the show was last year's winner, Country Music Grammy Award Winner, Carrie Underwood who performed with this year's contestants as well as solo. Getting to watch Princess P perform with her idol, Al Jarreau, was a treat. I once again remembered why I liked this little girl so much and, why I think she's got a great career ahead of her. Watching Katharine perform with Meatloaf, I gotta tell you, made me wish that she had performed at this level the entire competition because she would have won. Watching Ms. Toni Braxton perform with Taylor made me wonder who the hell that bright idea was. She was a mess!!! From start to finish! What happened to her? I have loved her dearly but last night she was truly a disaster! My favorite performance last night brought out the guy I still think should have won the whole dang thing. As Elliott strode out to the sounds of U2's One (one of my favorite songs by the way), I got excited. His voice rang perfection and THEN he introduced none other than Miss Mary J. Blige. Holy Hell!!!! She stormed the stage, bringing her brand of hip hop, soul and gospel to a stage that seriously hasn't ever seen the likes of her. As she and Elliott wrapped up this performance I once again realized that the boy who is deaf in one ear, suffers from juvenile diabeties, is one amazing guy (and it didn't hurt that mom Claudette won the Golden Idol for the Most Touching Family Moment)! I truly wish him the greatest of successes. Of course it wouldn't have been the Grand Finale without tribute being paid to the wanna-be's and nincompoops who played such a prominent role during the first part of the season. The most surprising part of the night though for me was when that gawd-awful Clay Aiken look-a-like, Michael Sandeski, came out to win his Golden Idol and then, horror of horrors, Ryan asked him to sing. Thankfully we were only tortured for a moment before the real Clay Aiken, new doo and all, strode out and finished the song about going down on someone. How appropriate! By the way, honorable mention goes out to the Brokenote Mountain guys who won the Male Bonding Golden Idol and then performed live...quite decently I might add. In the end though the night belonged to our new American Idol. And so, following Prince's rather spectacular performances (and "after this break), out strode Ryan to announce with great fanfare that the winner was...yep, you got it...Taylor Hicks! Taylor, we here at Idol Chatter wish you, and the Soul Patrol, the best as you embark on this new chapter of your life!! And that wraps up this season of American Idol! We here at Idol Chatter will take a much needed break and catch up with you...after the break! |
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