Idol Chatter: ...kiss...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Well the follies that are American Idol descended upon us like a blanket - wet in all the wrong spots. You know what I mean don't you? It's January for God's sake...cold all over the place. And so, you grab that blanket to snuggle up in...get yourself all wrapped into it...only to find yourself feel something cold and wet. That's kind of how I felt last night. As the witching hour approached, I didn't know whether to be happy or horrified. In the end, I was a little bit of both.

Jewel looked amazing! Paula wasn't totally out of her mind (that clapping like a sea lion though has got to go...egads!)! Randy had a bit too much make-up on and seemed to have a Simon complex! And Simon, well Simon apparently had dipped into my stash of Valium. He was just too dang nice. Go figure!

I can't say anything about the singing except that after all those agonizing auditions we find out that only 17 people from "Minne-hopeless" with through. I have to tell you, I was right there with Randy about that one guy who warbled his way through something he shouldn't have. Heck, my eardrums were still bleeding when I got up this AM after that gawd-awful attempt at falsetto.

Another annoyance, people who bloviate on and on about how they've got it and then open their mouths to sing - revolting! It's rather like spotting a hot guy across the room, making eye contact, breaking eye contact, making it again, followed by the slow dance to the middle of the room where you find yourself standing next to him, only to have him open his mouth and a purse falls out. Just nasty!!

And speaking of many of you guys saw this little interview with Miss Paula earlier this week. OMG Of course, her "people" say she was tired! Tired my aunt fanny!!! She was tore up! Been there! Done that! Although not on TV!

Anyhoo...I'm calling this post "...kiss..." because really that's what I did last night...kissed off 2 hours. Not that I won't do it again next time. Heck, we are talking about American Idol!

Until next time...


Blogger Unknown said...

how could you not mention Lion girl? she scared me.

Daniele xo

6:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great AI blog as usual -- can't wait for all the BS to go-away, and then "on with the friggin' show" for heaven's sake. Poor, poor drunk Paula...and yes, Jewel is truly just that....

love, jewels

8:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write very well.

10:29 AM  

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